Home » Meet Darrell Holovach, 7-12 music teacher

Meet Darrell Holovach, 7-12 music teacher

Headshot of Darrell Holovach

It only took a few weeks for his nickname to be Mr. H.

Darrell Holovach is in his first year as the high school band teacher. A graduate from the Crane School of Music, Darrell has several ties to the area and is optimistic about the future of the arts at CCS.

“I am looking to grow the program now,” said Holovach. “We’re offering an after school band club where students, teachers and parents can join. As a result, student participation has more than doubled since the start of the school year.”

Holovach also has a history of designing sets, lights and sound since high school and continued to do so in college. More recently, he was a composer on the Bennington Battlefield Audio Project and volunteered for Fort Salem Theater productions as both a set designer and musician. He calls this area home and plans to stay in the area, noting that directing a high school band program has always been a goal of his.

“I believe in a delayed gratitude approach to a music program. Musicianship can be a lifelong journey and it can take years to develop the skills that we want as an artist or musician. I am willing to invest the time to allow the program to develop.”

As an educator, Holovach believes in constructivism, democracy in the classroom and an overall student-centered approach. He is also in charge of the Glee Club and they are planning a number of events throughout the school year. They plan to sing the national anthem at sporting events, perform at concerts and other school events. He would also like to host a pops concert or cabaret in the spring.

“Talent is spread equally no matter where you are. If you give students the opportunity to showcase their talent, it will shine through. We have a sizable population that is interested in the arts. Students need a place where they can share who they are through music and other creative outlets.”

Holovach also plans to teach a theater arts elective next year, a course where students can receive college credit. The course will offer students a comprehensive exploration of the theatrical arts, encompassing acting, set design, light design, audio, set construction, stage management, stage combat, wardrobe and other crucial elements of theater production. Students will play an active and constructive role in shaping the course content based on their interests and the needs of that year’s musical or production.

Additionally, Holovach is working closely with elementary music teacher Jill Chadwick. They are working together on a number of projects, including having Chadwick accompany Glee Club on the piano and Holovach designing the set for the elementary drama club.

“Jill is great. She is always there for me and the most supportive colleague that I can ask for. It is so important that Jill and I collaborate and get elementary students interested in music at a young age. Engaging elementary students will bolster the foundation and secure the future of our music program.”

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