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Staff Directory

Search for faculty and staff by typing one of these options in the box below: first name, last name, job title or email.

Tip: If you don’t know how to spell the name of the person you are looking for, try typing the first few letters of their first or last name and click ‘Go’.

Administrative Contacts

Vince Canini
Interim Superintendent of Schools
518-677-2653, ext. 1010
Business Office

Michele Hogan
School Business Administrator
518-677-2653, ext. 1016
Business Office

Kathleen Skellie
Elementary Principal
518-677-8527, ext. 1416
Main Building

Caroline Goss
Secondary Principal
518-677-8527, ext. 1413
Main Building

Lourdes Nigro
Interim Director of Pupil Services
518-677-8527, ext. 2472
Main Building

Ralph Harrington
Secondary Associate Principal
518-677-8527, ext. 1415
Main Building

Kate Canini
District Clerk
518-677-2653, ext. 1010
Business Office

Chris Crucetti
Director of Technology and Communications
518-677-8527, ext. 1453
Main Building

Cheryl L. Benson
Transportation Supervisor
518-677-2653, ext. 1012
Bus Garage

John Lybert
Cafeteria Manager
518-677-8527, ext. 1427
Main Building

Rich Austin
Director of Facilities
518-677-8527, ext. 1438
Main Building

Andrew Lapitsky
Athletic Director
518-677-8527, ext. 1412
Main Building

Wendy D’Avella
School Nurse
518-677-8527, ext. 1428
Main Building

Who to Contact

Please refer to the information below to determine who to contact. To follow the chain of command, start with the individual listed number one and work your way down the list if you do not receive an answer.


  1. Instructional staff
  2. Counselor
  3. Principal
  4. Superintendent
  5. Board of Education


  1. Coach
  2. Athletic director
  3. Principal
  4. Superintendent
  5. Board of Education

Social Emotional Support

  1. Instructional staff
  2. Counselor
  3. Psychologist
  4. Principal
  5. Superintendent
  6. Board of Education


  1. Instructional staff
  2. Principal
  3. Superintendent
  4. Board of Education

Human Resources

  1. Staff
  2. Principal/supervisor
  3. Superintendent
  4. Board of Education

Building & Facility Use

Community Use
  1. District scheduler
  2. Athletic director/Facilities director
  3. Superintendent
  4. Board of Education
District Use
  1. Building principal
  2. District scheduler
  3. Athletic director/Facilities director
  4. Superintendent
  5. Board of Education


  1. DASA coordinator
  2. Principal
  3. Superintendent
  4. Board of Education

Food Services

  1. Food Service director
  2. Business administrator
  3. Superintendent
  4. Board of Education

Pupil Services/Special Education

  1. Teacher/case manager
  2. CSE chair
  3. Director of Pupil Services
  4. Superintendent
  5. Board of Education


  1. CPSE chair
  2. Washington County representative

504 Plans

  1. Case manager
  2. 504 coordinator
  3. Principal
  4. Superintendent
  5. Board of Education


  1. Driver
  2. Transportation supervisor
  3. Principal
  4. Business administrator
  5. Superintendent
  6. Board of Education

Instructional Technology

  1. Director of Technology
  2. Principal
  3. Superintendent
  4. Board of Education

Main Building

24 South Park Street
Cambridge, NY 12816

Business Office/Bus Garage

58 South Park Street
Cambridge, NY 12816