Home » CCS and CVRS resume partnership, create EMT club for students

CCS and CVRS resume partnership, create EMT club for students

The Cambridge Central School District (CCS) and the Cambridge Valley Rescue Squad (CVRS) are pleased to announce that they are resuming their partnership for the 2023-24 school year. The partnership resumed on Monday, Oct. 2. An EMT will be on site each day beginning at 10 a.m. for the remainder of the school year. The EMT will remain on site until 6 p.m. so they are available during practices and games in the event an athlete or individual on campus requires medical attention.

The EMT will be stationed in the Health Office and provide care to students, assist with medical emergencies and support day-to-day operations.

“The partnership allows us to establish relationships with kids – both in and out of the building,” said Tim Phillips, CVRS crew chief assigned to the program. “It allows kids to see a familiar face in the event there is a medical emergency outside of school. They recognize our members who may be responding to a medical event in the community.”

The CVRS first partnered with the district during COVID-19. The partnership quickly had a positive influence with students and employees throughout the building. When the partnership ended at the end of last school year, the entities worked together to secure local grant funding to keep the partnership going.

“The Health Office would like to thank the collaborative effort it took to bring back CVRS to CCS,” said Wendy D’Avella, school nurse. “It is a relief for the Health Office to have an additional person who is medically trained and ready and willing to assist our students and staff members.”

In addition to supporting the Health Office, this month, the CVRS hopes to launch an EMT club after school for students ages 14 and older. The club will allow students to learn first aid practices, become trained in CPR and learn the ins and outs of how EMS works. Students will learn how the systems work, what happens when 911 is called and what to do in an emergency.

When students become trained, they will be able to assist the EMT on school grounds. Currently, there are three high school students who are members of the squad.

“It’s a great learning experience,” said Emily Lathrop, CCS senior and CVRS member. “Everyone there makes me feel comfortable. It is a great opportunity to give back to the community and help people.”

“CVRS is incredibly happy to partner with the district to provide this valuable resource,” said Mark Spiezio, CVRS chief. “The new after-school club will help to develop a pipeline for the next generation of EMS professionals. We will provide valuable life-saving training to the entire school community and have a trained medical provider on site for after-school programs.”

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