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An update from the Board of Education on the superintendent vacancy

Dear CCS families and community members,

We wanted to provide you with some updates regarding the search for an interim superintendent and the process for selecting the district’s next superintendent of schools.

Interim Superintendent

The Board of Education is holding a meeting on Thursday, July 27. The meeting will take place in an executive session that is not open to the public. The purpose of the meeting is to interview individuals for the role of interim superintendent.

It is the Board’s goal to appoint an individual at the Aug. 10 public meeting and transition them into the role by the end of August to allow some overlap with Dr. Silvernell prior to his Aug. 31 retirement. Updates will be shared with the school community when the district selects an interim superintendent.

Superintendent Search

At the Sept. 14 Board meeting, the WSWHE BOCES District Superintendent, Turina Parker, will be presenting the superintendent search process to the Board. The meeting is open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend to learn more about the process. The process will include involvement from a variety of stakeholders.

The Board is committed to providing updates to the school community throughout the search process. We recognize the importance of this position and it is our goal to ensure we have the best possible individual for our school district and community.


The Cambridge CSD Board of Education

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