Home » An update from Interim Superintendent Facin on special education staffing

An update from Interim Superintendent Facin on special education staffing

Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

This letter is intended to inform you that our Director of Pupil Services, Pam Bordas, has resigned from Cambridge Central School District as of Nov. 15, 2024. We have formulated a supportive action plan that will help students and families continue to be successful upon her departure.

After the holiday break, we will be hiring Lourdes Nigro as our interim Director of Pupil Services. She will assume this position as a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA). Lourdes is currently teaching high school special education. Lourdes has been a committed and dedicated teacher at CCS for the past three years. She is also working toward her NYS administrative certification. We look forward to her work with students, families and faculty. We have already begun a search for her teaching replacement to finish the year.

We will also recognize the Special Education teachers as a department with Daryl Reiter and Lisa Dowett-Ingber serving as the K-12 co-liaisons. This will help support our special education approach with Daryl and Lisa serving as a liaison with the principals with budgeting, program development, curriculum and much more. Daryl and Lisa will remain in their teaching assignments while also serving in their new roles. Daryl and Lisa have over 20 years each of special education teaching experience at CCS. Our building principals will continue to oversee all special education services and programs.

As the interim superintendent of schools, I have confidence that this approach will help your child and our special education teachers continue to realize the support they need to be successful. These proven educators know our students, families and our community. We felt that it would be important to minimize the change in leadership with experienced known educators so our students and families feel connected. Although change during the year is not ideal, we do feel that all of children will continue to grow and prosper.


Kenneth A. Facin
Interim Superintendent of Schools