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Course Catalog

The course catalog is a resource for students and their parents as they work with their counselor to develop an educational plan. The course selection process is an important part of students’ future academic development and employment plans. Students should develop a college and/or career readiness plan to ensure future success. In addition, all students will need to plan and complete the courses and New York State Regents Examinations that are required to earn a high school diploma. It is imperative that students choose their courses carefully to be in compliance with graduation requirements.

2024-25 Course Catalog

Table of Contents


The purpose of the course description guide is to provide information that is necessary for a successful educational experience at Cambridge Jr./Sr. High School. Students are encouraged to choose courses and areas of study with the help of their school counselor and parent or guardian.

The course description guide outlines three major aspects of our educational program:

  • An explanation of graduation requirements as specified by the New York State Board of Regents;
  • General academic information; and
  • A comprehensive list and description of specific courses offered by each department.

Cooperation among families, students and staff is critical in selecting a program of study that will meet the educational demands of each student. We look forward to guiding individuals through these decision-making and problem-solving processes. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s school counselor.

Thank you and we look forward to a great year!

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Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

The Dignity For All Students Act went into effect on July 1, 2012. This legislation seeks to provide public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. An amendment to this law includes cyberbullying and is effective July 1, 2013.

If you or another student is bullied or cyberbullied, you should report the incident to an adult. If you are in school, you can contact the dignity act coordinator, the principal or any other adult that you feel comfortable with. Complaints should be made immediately after the occurrence. However, a complaint reviewed at any time will be dealt with when it is received.

For more information, please visit:

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Pupil Services/Special Education

In New York State, special education is provided to pre-school and school age students with a disability. Federal and state education laws require each school district to provide students with a Free and Appropriate Public Education based on their unique needs. Decisions about student programs and services are determined by the Committee on Special Education and are based on the unique needs of the student.

Consultant Teacher Services

Consultant Teacher services are defined as direct and/or indirect services provided to a school-age student with a disability in the student’s general education classes.

  • Direct CT services mean specially designed instruction provided to an individual student with a disability or to a group of students with disabilities by a certified special education teacher to aid the student(s) to benefit from the general education class instruction. Direct CT can be combined with indirect CT services.
  • Indirect CT services mean consultation provided by a certified special education teacher to a general education teacher to assist the general education teacher in adjusting the learning environment and/or modifying his/her instructional methods to meet the individual needs of a student with a disability who attends the general education class. Indirect CT can be combined with direct CT services.

Resource Room/Academic Skills Support

Resource room program is a special education program for a student with a disability registered in either a special class or general education class who is in need of specialized supplementary instruction in an individual or small group setting for a portion of the school day. Resource room programs are for the purpose of supplementing the general education or special education classroom instruction of students with disabilities who are in need of such supplemental programs. This means that instruction is not provided in place of the student’s regular academic instruction.

Special Class

Special class means a class consisting of students with disabilities who have been grouped together because of similarity of individual needs for the purpose of receiving specially designed instruction in a self-contained setting, meaning that such students are receiving their primary instruction separate from their nondisabled peers.

Related Services

For students who qualify, related services include, but are not limited to: speech-language pathology, audiology services, interpreting services, psychological services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling services, orientation and mobility services, parent counseling and training, school health services, school nurse services, assistive technology services, and other appropriate developmental or corrective support services, and includes the early identification and assessment of disabling conditions in students.

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Graduation Requirements

Regents Diploma

  • English: 4 credits
  • Social Studies: 4 credits
  • Math: 3 credits
  • Science: 3 credits
  • Health: ½ credit
  • Art/Music: 1 credit
  • LOTE (Language other than English): 1 credit
  • Physical Education: 2 credits
  • Electives: 3 ½ credits
  • Total Minimum Required Credits: 22 total credits

Advanced Regents Diploma

  • English: 4 credits
  • Social Studies: 4 credits
  • Math: 3 credits
  • Science: 3 credits
  • Health: ½ credit
  • Art/Music: 1 credit
  • LOTE (Language other than English): 3 credits*
  • Physical Education: 2 credits
  • Electives: 1 ½ credits
  • Total Minimum Required Credits: 22 total credits

*To earn an Advanced Regents Diploma, students must complete one of the following:

  • 3 units of credit in LOTE (Languages Other Than English)
  • 5 units of credit in Art, Music or Career Technology Education (CTE)

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New York State Exam Requirements

Regents Diploma (Score of 65 or above)

  • English Language Arts
  • Math
  • Global History
  • US History
  • Science

Adv. Regents Diploma (Score of 65 or above)

  • English Language Arts
  • 3 Math Exams (Algebra, Geometry & Algebra II)
  • Global History
  • US History
  • 2 Science Exams (1 Life Science & 1 Physical Science)
  • LOTE (Language other than English)

Diploma Notes

Safety Net

New York state provides an option for a local diploma for students with a classified disability.

Under these safety net guidelines, students may score between 55-64 on their 5 required Regents exams and still qualify for their local diploma. Additionally, for students with a classified disability, scores of 45-54 on any required Regents exam (Except ELA and Mathematics) can be compensated by a score of 65 or above on another required Regents exam including ELA and Mathematics. Additionally for a local diploma, special education students may pass 3 required examinations with a 55 or better and 2 examinations with a 52-54 for which an appeal has been granted by the district.

Honors Diplomas

Students may qualify for honors diploma status if they earn a 90 average or above on their required examinations for graduation. Therefore, a student would need to earn a 90 average or above on all their exams required for their regents diploma in order to earn a NYS Regents Diploma with Honors and likewise, a student would need to earn a 90 average on all required examinations for their advanced Regents Diploma in order to earn an Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors.


Any student scoring 85 or better on any three math Regents examinations, will qualify for a designation of mastery in math. Also, any students that score 85 or better on any three science Regents examinations will qualify for a designation of mastery in science.

Technical Endorsement

Students that meet the requirements for either a local diploma, a Regents diploma or an Advanced Regents Diploma AND successfully complete an approved CTE program including the 3 part technical assessment will qualify for a technical endorsement on their diploma.

Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS)

This approved pathway is an exiting credential for students with disabilities. This credential will recognize each individual student’s preparation and skills for post-school employment. Students with disabilities who are exiting with a regular high school diploma can also receive preparation for post-school employment by participating in Career Development and Occupational Studies.

Seal of Civic Readiness

The Seal of Civic Readiness is a formal recognition that a student has attained a high level of proficiency in terms of civic knowledge, civic skills, civic mindset and civic experiences. The Seal of Civic Readiness distinction on a high school transcript and diploma:

  • shows the student’s understanding of a commitment to participatory government; civic responsibility and civic values;
  • demonstrates to universities, colleges, and future employers that the student has completed an action project in civics or social justice; and
  • recognizes the value of civic engagement and scholarship.

In order to obtain the Seal of Civic Readiness, a student must complete all requirements for a New York state local or Regents diploma and earn a total of six points with at least two points in civic knowledge and at least two points in civic participation. Students may also earn points by completing a middle school capstone project or a high school capstone project.

Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP)

The Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP) is 4+1 graduation pathway option in which students complete a locally determined three-unit sequence in the arts and demonstrate, through a collection of creative works, growth over time that meets the High School II Accomplished Performance Indicators in the New York State Learning Standards for the Arts. The artistic method(s), media or form(s) students use to meet the appropriate state developed IAAP criteria are based on student artistic and research interests in consultation with their arts teachers. The IAAP offers arts students a graduation pathway that prepares them for future professional and educational experiences and opportunities in the arts.

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Pathways to Graduation

The district will follow the pathways to graduation outlined by the New York State Education Department.

The high school counselor has a course selection guide for students in grades 11 and 12. The guide is included in the PDF course guide at the top of this page and will be shared with students/families during their course selection meeting.

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Early College Career Academy (ECCA)

High school juniors and seniors can take college-level courses through SUNY Adirondack’s College Academy.

SUNY Adirondack has established a College Academy in accordance with State Education Department guidelines in order to provide academically capable high school juniors and seniors opportunities to take college-level courses. SUNY Adirondack guidelines require an average of 80 percent or higher and a recommendation from the high school counselor or principal. The College Academy Application form is available for download or can be obtained from a high school counselor. College Academy students are ineligible for both federal and state aid.

Students can choose from a variety of SUNY Adirondack classes available to them, earning college credits at reduced rates.

For more information about the program, contact your child’s counselor.

To learn more about the ECCA program, visit the SUNY Adirondack website.

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Academic Information

Add/Drop Deadline

The last day to add or drop a class is the last Friday in September. Please make informed choices when scheduling courses as these dates are firm. Students dropping a course after the deadline may receive a WP (Withdraw Pass) on their official transcript if they are passing the course at the time of the drop. Students dropping a course after the deadline may receive a WF (Withdraw Fail) on their official transcript if they are failing the course at the time of the drop.


Due to the four units of credit in English and Social Studies required by New York state for all high school graduates, doubling in these areas is allowed strictly with the permission of the principal.

Scholastic Recognition

Students whose quarterly averages are 94.5%-100% will be named to the Principal’s Honor List. Students who earn an 89.5%-94.4% will be in the High Honor List. Students who earn an 84.5-89.4 will be named to the Honor List.

Independent Study

Students who cannot fit a desired course into their schedule, may request to do an Independent Study. Each request will be judged independently. Students will need the consent of parents/guardians, the principal and a sponsor teacher. To pursue this option, you must complete the application that is available in the counseling office.

Summer School

Students who fail a course during the school year should attend summer school to retake the course if it is offered. The final grade obtained during summer school will replace the previous failing grade. If a student retakes a course in summer school and retakes a regents exam in that course, the exam grade will be recorded on the student’s transcript.

Retaking a Regents Exam

Students who retake a Regents exam without repeating the corresponding course will have the higher exam grade recorded on their transcript. The corresponding course average will not be recalculated and therefore, the new score will have no bearing on the overall grade point average.

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete will be issued only in cases approved by the administration. Incompletes must be converted to percentile grades within the timeframe established by the administrator. No incomplete grades will be issued in the 4th quarter.

Grading and Weighting

All courses carrying the Advanced Placement designation will be weighted as 1.1 in student averages. In all classes, a “floor” grade of 50% is available for only the first marking period; a grade of 49% or below in a class will be published as a 50% on the report card. This safety net allows students to recover their final average despite a poor first quarter performance.

Enrollment in Courses

All students are required to carry a minimum of 5.5 units of credit each year, including physical education. Students who fall behind in credits may be required to carry a heavier load of units of credit along with physical education. Also, if students fail to earn 5.5 credits each year, they may be retained in their current grade level.

Course Selections

Beginning in January, all students will select courses for the following year. Course selections will be based on:

  • Graduation requirements
  • Student interest
  • Teacher recommendations
  • Successful completion of current courses

Note: These selections must be approved by the parent/guardian.

Community Service

All seniors are required to perform a minimum of 25 hours of community service. Additionally, students who go beyond this requirement each year are honored for their commitment to service.

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College Credit Opportunities

There are three methods by which Cambridge Jr./Sr. High School students can earn college credit for courses taken at our school:

Advanced Placement

These are courses that follow a nationally standardized curriculum and culminate in an Advanced Placement exam in May each year.

Cambridge Central School weights AP course averages as 1.1 in the students overall grade point average. Selection of students for the AP course offerings is based on previous performance in a prerequisite course and/or by special permission of the principal.

AP courses offered at Cambridge Jr./ Sr. High School are: Biology, English: Literature and Composition, English: Language and Composition, American History, World History, Calculus AB, Latin, Psychology

Grades on the AP examination are reported on a five-point scale:

  • 5: Extremely well qualified
  • 4: Well qualified
  • 3: Qualified
  • 2: Possibly qualified
  • 1: No recommendation

Advanced Placement transfer credit varies from institution to institution. Please consult the admissions offices of your college choices to learn of their policies.

College Classes in the High School

We currently have agreements with local colleges for students to earn college credit from the following courses for a predetermined fee: Advanced Latin Poetry, Advanced Latin Prose, Advanced Spanish, AP Biology, AP Psychology, Drone Aviation, Environmental Science, Pre-Calculus and Theater Arts

High School/College Cross-Enrollment

Students who have accelerated through the curriculum offered at CCS may cross-enroll with area colleges in their senior year. The student must maintain full-time status and an 85% average. The principal’s approval is required as well. All costs associated with this arrangement are the student’s responsibility. Students must meet all of the graduation requirements stipulated in CCS Policy #4770.

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Junior High School Information

The transition into junior high school can be an exciting and challenging step for many students. At the junior high school, we look forward to making every effort to ensure your child has a smooth transition to their new schedule, new teachers and new environment. If you have additional questions regarding junior high requirements, responsibilities or expectations, please feel free to call the junior high counseling office at 518-677-8527, ext. 1422.

Middle Level Course Requirements

  • English: 2 units
  • Social Studies: 2 units
  • Science: 2 units
  • Math: 2 units
  • Agriculture & Technology: 1 unit
  • Physical Education (.5 credit per year): 1 unit
  • Visual Arts: ½ unit
  • Music: ½ unit
  • Language Other Than English (LOTE): 2 units
  • Health/Family and Consumer Sciences: 1 unit


Seventh Grade
  • New York State Assessment in English Language Arts
  • New York State Assessment in Mathematics
  • STAR Assessment
Eighth Grade
  • New York State Assessment in English Language Arts
  • New York State Assessment in Mathematics
  • New York State Assessment in Science
  • STAR Assessment

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Jr./Sr. High School Courses

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Contact information

Caroline Goss
Secondary Principal
518-677-8527, ext. 1413

Ralph Harrington
Secondary Associate Principal
518-677-8527, ext. 1415

Aydin O’Hearn
UPK-12 Counseling Department Chairperson
Grades 10-12 School Counselor
518-677-8527, ext. 1423

Scott Kraszewski
Grades 7-9 School Counselor
518-677-8527, ext. 1442