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Identity Standards & Logo Use

The Cambridge Central School District recognizes that the district’s name, logo and logo marks, when used as prescribed, are an invaluable asset to the district and the greater Cambridge community. Along with the district mission statement, vision statement and core values, they are essential in establishing the Cambridge brand.

The Identity Standards & Logo Use Guide tells how the district’s name, logo and logo marks are to be used. Please contact the communications office with questions regarding compliance with this guide or for a copy of the guide.

Consistency and quality are the keys to creating a strong brand asset for the school district and surrounding community. All staff and students are required to abide by this guide. Outside groups that are affiliated with Cambridge schools should abide by this guide when selling merchandise or purchasing items that use or refer to the Cambridge Central School District or any of its component parts (schools, sports teams, clubs, etc.).

The district logo and logo marks are the property of the Cambridge Central School District. This artwork is solely intended for the promotion of the district and Cambridge community. Distortions, alterations or use of this artwork in ways contrary to the standards put forth in this manual are prohibited.

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Chris Crucetti
Director of Technology and Communications
518-677-8527, ext. 1453