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Getting to know the Class of 2024 top 10 students

Class of 2024 top 10 students
Front row (from left): Anna Bailey, Cosette Samuelson, Nicole Robinson, Josha Roopnarine, Gavin Krizan, Ezden Koopmann
Back row (from left): Isabelle Flint, Adeline Record, Emma Washburn, Jackson Thomas

Anna Bailey, Valedictorian

Anna is the daughter of Jennifer and Peter Bailey.

Plans after high school

Anna will study psychology and art.

Who they would like to thank

I would like to thank my teachers and coaches for always pushing me to be a better student and encouraging me to have confidence in myself. I would also like to thank my family and wonderful friends who have walked beside me. I would never have made it here without their counsel and care.

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

I will always remember bus rides home from games, eating lunch in Mr. Salisbury’s, trips to Stewart’s, and the many fond memories made along the way. I am especially proud to be among the others in top ten!

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

National Honor Society, Student Council, Volleyball, Environmental Club, Drama Club, Glee Club, Yearbook Club, VOSCA, Young Life

Josha Roopnarine, Salutatorian

Josha is the son of Jennifer Baker and Lomarsh Roopnarine.

Plans after high school

Josha will study liberal arts at NYU.

Who they would like to thank

My family, teachers and friends.

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

I am very proud I made it into NHS, and I have very fond memories of playing soccer. I also loved spending time with my friends at school too.

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

NHS, Environmental Club, Yearbook Club, Glee Club, SADD, VOSCA, and Student Council

Isabelle Flint

Isabelle is the daughter of Edmund and Natasha Flint.

Plans after high school

Isabelle will study Fashion Marketing at college.

Who they would like to thank

My whole family, in particular Bucky, for dedicating so much of his time to helping me study for AP Latin in between the NBA commercials. Sharing my love for Latin with him in exchange for his love of basketball strengthened our bond even more. Love you, Bucky.

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

Being selected for ALA Empire Girls State is an amazing memory. I made so many great friends there who I still talk to today. Also, going on the Boston field trip and staring at 3 paintings for 2 hours; winning the Talent Show in my junior year; and student aid with the 3rd graders last year and the 5th graders this year was my absolute favorite. I’m proud of myself for sticking it out all these years. I think of seventh grade Isabelle who was so scared that she wouldn’t be able to adapt to public school, and I want to tell her that we made it. We never gave up.

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

National Honor Society, Student Aid, Latin Club, Talent Unlimited, Whatever Journal, Orange and Black, Student Council, and Soccer

Ezden Koopmann

Ezden is the son of Olive and Mark Koopmann.

Plans after high school

Ezden will study Engineering Sciences at HVCC. Following HVCC, he plans on transferring to RPI to study Mechanical Engineering.

Who they would like to thank

I would like to thank my mom and dad for guiding me on the right path, providing support and encouragement, providing the resources that helped me succeed, and always motivating me. I would like to thank my teachers for their guidance and knowledge and always challenging me to do my best. Thank you to all my family and friends who have contributed to my success and have cheered me on, all along the way.

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

Being ranked 3rd in my class, being selected for Boys’ State, being RPI’s Medalist winner, getting accepted to RPI. Obtaining mastery on all my regents. Placing 2nd at our second Robotics competition.

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

Robotics, National Honor Society, Student Council Representative and CCS Live Editing.

Gavin Krizan

Gavin is the son of Greg and Diane Krizan.

Plans after high school

Gavin will study Sports Management at SUNY Cortland.

Who they would like to thank

I would like to thank my mom and dad for raising me to be the young man I am today. I would also like to thank my teachers for supplying me with a proper education for life after high school. Lastly, I would like to thank my brother and friends for supporting me in my decisions and creating good memories throughout high school.

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

My best memories were of field day, class trips and the friends I met along the way.

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

I was involved in basketball throughout my childhood and into junior year of high school and Early College Career Academy.

Adeline Record

Nicole is the daughter of Heidi and Cory Record.

Plans after high school

Addy will study Marine Biology and Marine Affairs at UNE.

Who they would like to thank

I would like to thank my parents and family for all their love, support and encouragement. I would like to also thank all the teachers who have helped me, pushed me to work hard and follow my dreams. I wouldn’t be the person I am now without my family and teachers support. I would like to thank my friends for all the amazing memories and many laughs. I would like to thank my theater director Katherine for all the wonderful plays and helping me find a new passion to love. Last but not least the King family for their love and support and giving me the best job I could ever wish for.

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

I was part of the schools strategic planning to develop our schools new Glee Club and Ag classroom. Being selected to be part of the Talented Unlimited and having my art shown at the Saratoga SPAC Art Festival and in a Lake George museum. Some of my best memories I have from high school were made through theater and Irish Step at Hubbard Hall with all my friends and director/teachers.

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

Glee Club, Theater, NHS, VOSCA, Whatever Journal, Talented Unlimited, Irish Step

Nicole Robinson

Nicole is the daughter of Carmen and Duane Robinson.

Plans after high school

Nicole will study Radiological Technology at MCLA.

Who they would like to thank

I would like to thank my parents for always supporting me and my decisions, along with my siblings for being an amazing support system throughout high school.

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

I will always remember all of the FFA memories I have made with my sisters, along with the endless sporting events with them. I am most proud of our CDE team for placing third in the state, which is almost unheard of for a brand new chapter. I will also always remember the redundant conversations with teachers that were just there to always make me laugh. It’s because of those conversations that I was able to power through all of high school.

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

FFA, Track and Field, Soccer, NHS

Cosette Samuelson

Cosette is the daughter of Joshua Samuelson and Alish Samuelson (step mom).

Plans after high school

Cosette will study Dental Hygiene at UNE.

Who they would like to thank

I would like to thank my sister Noelle, my Tante, my friends (Nikki, Addy, Izzy, Makenna and Molly) and my dad and step mom for their constant love and support in all of my endeavors.

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

I am proud that I was able to make top ten at my third high school that I’ve been at in the last four years. I made honorable mentions for soccer.

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

I help out after school at my families non-profit animal sanctuary. I was part of the Cambridge varsity girls soccer team.

Jackson Thomas

Jackson is the son of Bridget and Greg Thomas.

Plans after high school

Jackson will study Mechanical Engineering at SUNY New Paltz

Who they would like to thank

My friends and family for all their support

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

Our Robotics awards, my acceptance into NHS and my top 10 placement.

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

Environmental Club, NHS, VOSCA and Robotics Club

Emma Washburn

Emma is the daughter of Amanda and Andrew Washburn.

Plans after high school

Emma will attend Siena College and study English (major) and psychology (minor)

Who they would like to thank

Mom and dad for being there for me, and my sister for not bugging me 24/7

Memories/accomplishments you are proud of

Winning talent show, singing for the troops of NY at Albany, being able to get over stage fright at Hubbard Hall

CCS clubs/organizations you were involved in

Latin Club, Drama Club, Volleyball, Ski Club

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