Home » An update from Cambridge and Salem regarding athletic mergers

An update from Cambridge and Salem regarding athletic mergers

Cambridge Central School (CCS) and Salem Central School (SCS) are pleased to announce their decision to continue merging their athletic programs. The continued expansion marks an exciting step forward for both schools, enhancing opportunities for student athletes while strengthening the overall athletic program for both districts.

Representatives of both boards of education, administration and athletic directors have been meeting this school year to study and develop the best path forward. The decision is driven by a shared commitment to providing the best possible experiences for our students and athletes. Athletic mergers between the two schools are not being pursued for a competitive advantage. Rather, it is a strategic move due to the hardship of one or both schools experiencing low participation numbers. It is aimed at optimizing resources, expanding opportunities and fostering a culture of collaboration and success. The districts are exploring additional mergers for the 2024-25 school year based on continued low participation numbers in those sports to ensure that each program can compete at all levels.

The schools continue to strengthen their partnership by codifying similar practices and policies. Communication is the biggest challenge that merging teams entails and, to that end, both schools are working toward a common parent communications platform. This will help inform parents and athletes in a more timely and consistent manner about practices, games, bus schedules and more. The schools are also streamlining academic eligibility and code of conduct policies so they are consistent for student athletes.

“Both CCS and SCS have a proud tradition of excellence in athletics, and working toward a more defined partnership that will build upon that legacy,” said Julie Adams, Salem superintendent. “By combining resources and expertise, we will be better equipped to provide comprehensive athletic programs that promote skill development, sportsmanship and personal growth among our student athletes at a time when there is no enrollment growth and interest in participating in athletics in our communities is declining.”

“All decisions regarding athletic programs will be made with the best interests of our students, parents and communities in mind,” said Ken Facin, Cambridge interim superintendent. “We are committed to maintaining modified, junior varsity and varsity athletic opportunities for all sports. We are also committed to making sure that student athletes are practicing and playing at both school facilities well into the future.”

The two districts will continue to meet and work collaboratively to ensure that processes are in place to support all athletes, their families, our coaches and each community. Merged teams between the districts have seen great success over the past few years. Both districts look forward to their continued partnership on behalf of their student athletes as well as building upon the traditions and legacy of excellence that both communities value.

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