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Technology Department

Technology Course Offerings

Technology 7

This course examines the progression of technology from the primitive time of the Stone Age to the present Digital Age, covering a history of invention and innovations. Students will study computer history and incorporate modern computer use with Google Drive, working with documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and drawings. The students will explore designing, blueprints, communication technologies, manufacturing, construction, architecture, energy, transportation, medical and future technology. This introductory course in technology education provides an overview of the curriculum and many hands-on projects.

Technology 8

This course examines the progression of technology from the primitive time of the Stone Age to the present Digital Age, covering a history of invention and innovations. Students will study computer history and incorporate modern computer use with Google Drive, working with documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and drawings. The students will explore designing, blueprints, communication technologies, manufacturing, construction, architecture, energy, transportation, medical and future technology. This introductory course in technology education provides an overview of the curriculum and many hands-on projects.

Career Exploration – 1 Credit

This class is open to all 9th and 10th graders but is required for all occupational education students. This class will provide opportunities for students to research career possibilities that coincide with their skills and interests. Resume preparation and interview techniques are also part of this course.

Drawing and Design for Production (DDP) – 1 Credit

This course emphasizes product design and problem solving via hand sketching, drafting, the creation of physical models, unit analysis, and 3D computer modeling. A full range of design methods and criteria are covered with an emphasis on the design cycle, design guidelines and creativity. Students develop solutions to various design and product problems while focusing on sustainable development and competing as a designer in a global economy. Students will complete individual and team projects.

Computer Aided Design (CAD) – 1 Credit

Prerequisite: Design and Drawing for Production (DDP) or permission of the instructor

This course is designed for students who wish to pursue an in-depth study of technical design and computer modeling. The integration of advanced 2D and 3D design and CAD drawing techniques will be studied. An emphasis on creating construction documents, precision 3D models and renderings will be an integral part of this course.

Architectural Computer Aided Design and Drawing (ARCH) – 1 Credit

Prerequisites: Design and Drawing for Production (DDP) and Computer Aided Design (CAD)

This course is designed for students who wish to study the design and drawing of residential structures. Content will include architectural history, design theory, famous buildings and architects, sketching techniques, dimensioning, building codes, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, sustainable development, construction documents, HVAC systems, photo-realistic rendering and photo simulations, and presentation graphics. Design calculations, project specifications, construction documents and state of the art modeling and rendering along with project presentations will be an integral part of the course.

Principles of Engineering (POE) – 1 Credit

Prerequisites: Design and Drawing for Production (DDP) and Computer Aided Design (CAD)

This course provides an overview of various engineering fields including electrical, environmental, civil, mechanical, and computer engineering. Through theory, problem solving using algebra, geometry and trigonometry along with practical hands-on experiences, students will work on a wide range of design problems and solutions using state of the art tools such as 3D computer modeling and visualization, 3D printing, strength of materials testing, computer programming, prototype building, and precision measurement. Students will also address the ongoing social, environmental and political consequences of technology. Field trips to tech valley companies and college campuses will be scheduled as time and interest permit.

Robotics and Automation (Robotics) – 1 Credit

Prerequisites: Design and Drawing for Production (DDP) and Computer Aided Design (CAD)

This course provides an overview of the field of robotics and automation. Using hands-on resources, students will build, program and test various robotic and automation systems. Students will use state of the art tools such as 3D computer modeling and visualization, 3D printing, mechatronics, computer programming, prototype building in the construction and testing of their robot. Students will also address the ongoing social, environmental and political consequences of automation, artificial intelligence, and robotic technology. Field trips to tech valley companies and college campuses will be scheduled as time and interest permit.

Drone Flying I – 1 Credit

This course will introduce students to safe piloting of drones. Best practices of operation as well as current laws concerning drone flight will be covered. Students will receive classroom instruction as well as hands-on experience in piloting drones. The actual certification will be optional and off campus.

Introduction to Computer Science I (EOD) – .5 Credit

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra I

This course is offered to introduce students to the field of Computer Science. Students will learn foundational concepts in Computer science and apply these to solve real world problems. Students will explore topics such as logic, programming, data analysis, and how technology impacts our world.