For an Advanced Regents Diploma:
3 credits of math | Exams: 3 math Regents exams (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II)
For a Regents Diploma:
3 credits of math | Exams: 1 math Regents exam
Math Course Offerings
Math 7
Basic computational skills learned in grades K-6, will be reinforced. Students in this course will focus on the concepts of proportionality, percents, integers, rational numbers, algebraic expressions, and equations. Students will also be exposed to beginning probability, statistics and basic geometry. Students enrolled in this course will take the Next Generation Assessment in mathematics for grade 7.
Math 7x
Students must maintain an 85 average
This is an every other day course where students will learn the 1st half of the Math 8 curriculum. This is a course for students who excel in mathematics and are motivated to work hard, as material will be presented at a fast pace and will require students to think more deeply and critically than the traditional Math 8 course. Students enrolled in Math 7x will take this course in addition to their regular Math 7 course.
Students will be chosen for this course based on an Algebra Prognosis test, their work in 6th grade, and teacher recommendation. Students must maintain an 85 average in both this course and their Math 7 course to remain in the accelerated program.
Math 8
Students in this course will build upon their prior algebraic work from Math 7 as they expand their knowledge of 1st degree equations. Students will study functions and 2 variable equations. They will work more with geometry, learning about right triangles/ Pythagorean’s theorem, as well as transformations on and off the coordinate plane. There are also a variety of number theory topics in the course including, exponent rules, scientific notation, and square roots. Students enrolled in this course will take the Next Generation Assessment in Mathematics for grade 8.
Math 8x
Prerequisite: Students must maintain an 85 average in both this course and their Algebra I course to remain in the accelerated program. Math 7x serves as a prerequisite for this course.
This course is an every other day course where students learn the second half of the Math 8 curriculum. This is a course for students who excel in mathematics and are motivated to work hard, as material will be presented at a fast pace and will require students to think more deeply and critically than the traditional Math 8 course. Students enrolled in Math 8x will take this course in addition to Algebra I.
Algebra I – 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Overall average of 80 or higher in Math 8 or teacher recommendation.
Students will continue to work with algebraic expressions and equations, functions, and two variable equations. Other major topics include quadratic functions, Radicals, Statistics. The Next Generation Algebra 1 Regents will be administered in June. A TI-83 plus or TI-84 plus graphing calculator is required for this course and will be provided by the teacher.
Algebra A – 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Overall average of below an 80% in Math 8 or teacher recommendation.
This course is the first half of a 2-year plan to take the regents. It will allow time to master major basic skills needed to be successful in Algebra B. A local final exam will be given in June. Calculators (TI-84 Plus CE) will be provided.
Algebra B – 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Algebra A
This course builds on the skills from Algebra A, and adds more rigorous topics to prepare for the Next Generation Algebra 1 Regents administered in June. Calculators (TI-84 Plus CE) will be provided.
Honors Algebra – 1 Credit
Prerequisite: 95 overall average for Math 8, a score of 540+ in i-Ready, a score of 3+ on the Math 7 New York State assessment.
Honors Algebra is a course designed for students who have a strong aptitude in mathematics as well as a strong work ethic. This course will cover the New York State Algebra curriculum while allowing students to explore the topics of a deeper level, better preparing them for their upper level mathematics courses. Please be aware that students MUST maintain an average of 85% or higher to remain in Honors Algebra. The Next Generation Algebra 1 Regents will be administered in June. A TI-83 plus or Ti-84 plus graphing calculator is required for this course and will be provided by the teacher.
Honors Geometry – 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Overall average of 80 in Honors Algebra
Honors Geometry is a course designed for students who have a strong aptitude in mathematics as well as a strong work ethic. This course will cover the New York State Geometry curriculum while allowing students to explore the topics of a deeper level, better preparing them for their upper level mathematics courses. Please be aware that students MUST maintain an average of 85% or higher to remain in Honors Geometry. The Common Core Geometry Regents will be administered in June. A TI-83 plus or Ti-84 plus graphing calculator is required for this course and will be provided by the teacher.
Algebra II w/ Lab – 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Overall average of 80 or higher in Geometry or teacher recommendation.
This course will expand on the work that students did in Algebra I. The main topics in this course include polynomial operations, radicals and complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, statistics, and probability. The Common Core Algebra II Exam will be given in June.
Geometry (Common Core) – 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Overall average of 80 or higher in Algebra I or Algebra IB or teacher recommendation
Students in this course will study geometric proofs and constructions. They will also study circles, transformations, 3-dimensional figures, right triangle trigonometry, and similar/ congruent figures. The Common Core Geometry Assessment will be given in June. A TI-83 plus or TI-84 plus graphing calculator is required for this course.
Math for Life – 1 Credit
This course is designed to help students gain financial awareness that will benefit them after high school, throughout their career, and in retirement. Guest speakers, videos and class discussion will prepare students for projects on behavioral finance, investments, banking, credit, jobs, cars, housing, budgeting and more.
Pre-Calculus – 1 Credit
This class is designed to prepare students for calculus and advanced studies in math at the high school or college level. Students study linear algebra, advanced trigonometry, manipulation of matrices, series and sequences, proof by induction, limits and derivatives. A TI-83 plus or TI-84 plus graphing calculator will be provided if needed. Students are eligible to receive 3 college credits upon the successful completion of the course.
AP Calculus AB – 1 Credit
AP Calculus AB is an advanced placement course from which students may receive college credit. The topics of study are based on the College Board syllabus. A TI-83 plus or TI- 84 plus graphing calculator will be provided if needed.
Introduction to Computer Science I (EOD) – .5 Credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra I
This course is offered to introduce students to the field of Computer Science. Students will learn foundational concepts in Computer science and apply these to solve real world problems. Students will explore topics such as logic, programming, data analysis, and how technology impacts our world.
Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in Math
This class is designed to support students who have underperformed on a state assessment in math. Students are scheduled for this class based on their previous state assessment scores.
Contact Information
Bruce Sausville
Math Department Chairperson